Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ok... now we are a blogging fam too!

That's right, we've started blogging. I don't know how long this will last. Scrapbooking isn't working out so well... journals are getting dusty. Maybe this one will stick! For our few family and friends... WELCOME! I hope this will help me with all the many milestones of a growing family! Will write more later once I figure out this whole blogging business. Shane will be so excited that I've got our names and photos on the internet now. Hmmm... maybe I'll wait to tell him. He'll be so thrilled!!! =)


South Boise Girl said...

Very cool! You will love this!

Aunt M

pam said...

MYRA!!! YAY!!!! I'm SO glad you have a blog! It will be so fun to hear how the Larsen's are doing! I love your blog. It is so cute! I want a pink background on my page! :) I miss you! How are your adorable daughters? Does Alyssa still remember me? We need to keep in touch!! Love ya!!

Anonymous said...

Very Cute! So glad you got this going and can't wait to see more pics of you guys! ;-) LOVE YA!

Anonymous said...

OK Myra, you have to post more than once! We're anxiously awaiting more! It's not like I could just call you or something:)