Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Making a Christmas Ginger Bread House!!!

1st Snow fall of the season!

Christmas matching dresses... Keira didn't want to pose.
Alyssa's first dance performance! She was front & center! What a cutie!!

Trip to Temple Square for Christmas!

Christmas was calm this year. I took Alyssa skiing with Jessica & Mike for her first time. She went sledding with her Dad the day before & loves being outside ALL DAY! Shane thought she was done and brought her home. She surprised him and made him go out for more sledding! We made our first snowman together. We took the city train & visited Temple Square this week. Then we visited my family on Christmas Eve and Shane's family the night of Christmas. Shane spoiled us, as always and the kids were troopers the whole day! Keira liked the boxes just as much as the gifts. Alyssa stayed up until 11pm to watch Santa on the local news to see where he was on the radar. Then she rushed into bed and heard his Christmas bells outside her window. =) We played Disney Scene-It and had good food and fun! Hope your Christmas was great! I've added a ton of pics to get you caught up! These are for December.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Hi All, thought it was time to add a little something to my blog! I am bad at this, I know. Ok, this was the best Halloween I've ever had! Shane's parents came over and cooked a yummy chili dinner for us while Shane and I took our girls out around the neighborhood & met up with some good friends! Alyssa really understood Halloween for the first time. She said, "Mommy, Let's Run... the more houses we knock at, the more candy I have to eat!" OH BOY! She wouldn't stop for hours! Then when it got too cold, we came home for some hot chili, homemade rootbeer and pumpkin pie! YUMMY! We had a blast!! I am still learning how to do this blog thing and it's 2:31am and I have to watch a friends baby in the morning.... so I am not fighting the poor layout of these pics!! =) Enjoy my messy blog!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Girls having fun

Keira loves having Alyssa push her around on their rocking horse! This makes us laugh all day long! Alyssa will push her with lightning speed and terrify us! The faster Alyssa goes, the happier Keira is!

They are so fast!

Alyssa thought her face would look better with lip gloss all over it. See what happens when I focus on cleaning a room vs. playing with the kids. She did this in about 3 mins!! YICKS! They are so fast!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ok... now we are a blogging fam too!

That's right, we've started blogging. I don't know how long this will last. Scrapbooking isn't working out so well... journals are getting dusty. Maybe this one will stick! For our few family and friends... WELCOME! I hope this will help me with all the many milestones of a growing family! Will write more later once I figure out this whole blogging business. Shane will be so excited that I've got our names and photos on the internet now. Hmmm... maybe I'll wait to tell him. He'll be so thrilled!!! =)