Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Girls having fun

Keira loves having Alyssa push her around on their rocking horse! This makes us laugh all day long! Alyssa will push her with lightning speed and terrify us! The faster Alyssa goes, the happier Keira is!


Anonymous said...

Wow - your girls are SOOOO cute and growing up soooo fast! :-( I miss them.

Haley said...

I'm with Jess! The girls are so cute! I love those little bottom teeth.

pam said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! SO CUTE!!! I love this blog so I can keep updated on you guys. We need to get together. Los Hermanos, anyone???!!!

Schanze Family said...

I love your blog. I've visited it several times now. Your girls are so cute and getting bigger all the time. Now you need to add a favorites column to link other blogs to yours. I just added one to mine and wow! It's so easy to skip around to all the blogs of my family and friends. =)

Schanze Family said...

Opps! I couldn't see your Friend Bloggers spot before. Yeah! You have one, too. =)

pam said...

Um, Myra, where the heck are you??? I have been feeling bad for not posting anything over a month and you are worse than me!!! Update us, already!!! :)