Monday, September 22, 2008


What happens when you get 4 girls together and leave them alone for 5 minutes???

This is what happens! AHHHHHH! My House! Keira is in the middle there. She loved having 2 extra mom's to baby her! We helped babysit my brother & his girlfriends kids over the weekend. We had a great time and I miss them already!

The kids attacking Grandpa Ray's house. Trust me though... he's not as defenseless as he would like you to think! Even when he's outnumbered by 3 squealing girls!!!

The best part of the zoo!

Dalia, Alyssa, Marcela, Keira & Grandma Gina


Every statue was a climbing photo-op. No statue was safe!

I LOVE this picture!!! This was just before the bird show.

California Rapture, cousin to Bald Eagle... but double the size! This one is still a baby! Very cool!

Love at first sight!

See what I mean about the statues?!


DeDee said...

FUN! We need to sneak another trip to the zoo in, it's been a while. Thanks for the reminder!

I really dislike cleaning up those pillow forts. Amazing they can put them up so fast, yet can't seem to put them away. Hmmm....

Woodbury Fam said...

I love the zoo! i don't get there often enough. What a great picture of the alligator.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a crazy, fun time! I wish our girls could have sleepovers together. We miss you guys!!!