Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Point - Last day of Summer '08

Ok, so we are a little late posting our last day of summer. But I wanted to because the video at the end of this post made me smile!

We spent our last day of summer going to the Thanksgiving Point. It was too cold to play in the water, so we took a looooong walk around the gardens. The kids did so great and it was fun to spend time alone with them outside of the house.

This was my favorite part... they loved rolling down the hill after each other.
Alyssa loved the Secret Garden. It was a fun place for kids.

Alyssa saw me blogging and insisted that I add the picture of these cute baby birds we found just before we left. The girls watched them for 15 minutes while the mom bird fed them.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did! What a fun way to end the summer!


DeDee said...

So was kind of cold that day. Where did you get/make your family picture?

Nick and Deanne said...

Your girls are getting so big. I can't believe how much Alyssa looks like you and Keira looks like Shane. They are just too cute!

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun!!! I'm loving all these updates and pictures.